Pump In Style Tubing Adapter (For Pumps Made During 2004 to 2006)

Pump In Style Tubing Adapter (For Pumps Made During 2004 to 2006)


When To Use This Adapter:

  • Medela has released three (3) types of Pump in Style (PIS) in terms of tubing. The included tubes will work with the majority of Pump In Style Advanced pumps EXCEPT few models made between 2004 and July 2006 and after 2020 (Pump In Style with MaxFlow).

  • We include two extra tubing connectors here IN CASE you had a Pump In Style Advanced that was made during 2004 to July 2006. That sort of pump requires a connector on each end of the tubing.

  • For Lactina and Symphony pumps, the connectors are required.


  • To install the extra connector, put 1-2 drops of water inside the blunt end of the tubing, then insert the extra connector into it. You might not be able to push it all the way in. It is ok. It will stay sealed for your pumping purpose.

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